Q4™ Knife Handle Block

Part # Price Purchase
Q4.1.4X1.6X5/1433 $ 49.95

About the size:

Rather than offer many size blocks we are offering this one large size block (1.375" X 1.6" Width X 5" length) that folks can work down to the size needed for their knife handle. We also offer rods that can make smaller handles and we have slabs up to 3/8" thick. For slabs needing to be thicker than 3/8" you should purchase this block and cut it to your desired thickness.

Randall Info:

If you need a block for a Randall knife then you need to have a very specific size block for the knife you are having made. You will need to check with your Randall dealer or with the Randall shop to find out for certain what size you need. After knowing the size, you can purchase this block and then email us to tell us the specific size you want. We will cut the block to your requested size and ship it to you or your dealer. We cannot ship it directly to the Randall shop per Randall policy that all materials must go through a dealer for approval. We will need all three dimensions of L X W X Height. You can email through our contact page or simply by emailing to instrumentparts@roadrunner.com.

About the material:

The Q4 system is a high density polyester resin with ivory grain structure that was originally developed for making 4 cue stick parts - hence its name of Q4. 

This material has been tested by top knife makers who have been very impressed with this new material. This is not the Resin Ivory we have sold for years. We realized that our resin material needed to be improved and after a good deal of work we have this new and much improved high density resin. This is 25% more dense than our old resin and it is much stronger and tougher.

A) New color - this is white and it has subtle grain.

B) Great strength and added density.

C) Works beautifully and accepts all common finishes used in the knife trade including high gloss by buffing.

D) Glues very well with quality epoxy. West System epoxy was used in the initial testing and it bonded very well. There are no bonding issues.