Scrap Mammoth Ivory

Part # Price Purchase
FM1LB.Scrap $41.00

One pound++ of scrap fossil mammoth ivory. Each handful is different.

Small pieces of scrap Fossil Mammoth Ivory. Ideal for craft items where small pieces can be utilized. Each handful is different and please do not ask us to sort out pieces for you! We quit selling this for years because we received a ton of questions about this but everything you need to know is seen below:

This is a great value and I select out the better scrap for you when I fill your order. All are genuine fossil mammoth ivory pieces that are up to 20,000 years old! This is a good value for folks making crafts and folks have a ton of fun with this stuff. Ideal for inlays and small accent pieces in cues, woodwork, knives, gun grips, pens, game calls, etc.. Some folks purchase to make fishing lures from this ancient stock. Do not purchase with the idea that you can find knife handles, guitar saddles, etc. in this offering. We send well over one pound. For the price this is a very good deal, and, again, I select out better scrap pieces when folks order this stock.

Photos below show a ruler with this stock to help you judge size of the pieces.

See our " Material Working Tips " page for info on how to fashion and polish ivory.

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1 pound scrap FMI pieces