Peccatte Style Ebony & Silver

Fully Finished Ebony & Silver Peccatte Style Violin, Viola and Cello Bow Frogs.

The Frogs are completely polished. Buttons and wedges are included. The frog eyes, the button eye and the slide are of Awabi Pearl (Goldfish). The button is two rings of silver with ebony core. The front ring, with finely machined outer and inner collar, and the rear ring are silver with an ebony core between them.

Made By Paulus GmbH of Germany.

US Customers Only. We offer refunds but we check the returned frogs with care as undo pressure when applying the frog to the stick can cause the ebony to crack. If you have cracked the ebony we will not refund as we cannot sell it as a good quality frog.

All of the ebony utilized in this product is Diospyros crassiflora. Its origin is Nigeria. We have imported this from Paulus GmbH of Germany with all paperwork being filed electronically and doubled with paper form. All proper strict procedures have been adhered to including Lacey Act PPQ Form 505, US Fish & Wildlife Import/Export permits, and USDA Import and Health Requirement Permits and USDA Plant & Plant Product Declaration Forms in compliance with Lacey Act Requirements (16 USC 3372(f)). All products adhere to USDA APHIS-APIE standards and procedures.

Peccatte Style Finished Violin Frog

Peccatte Style Violin Frog of Ebony & Silver.

Made By Paulus GmbH of Germany.

Click on Photo for more info & additional photos.

US Customers Only.

Part # Price Purchase
FFSE1PE/203103/85 $249.00

Peccatte Style Finished Viola Frog

Peccatte Style Viola Frog of Ebony & Silver.

Made By Paulus GmbH of Germany.

Click on Photo for more info & additional photos.

US Customers Only.

Part # Price Purchase
FFSE2PE/213103/86 $259.00

Peccatte Style Finished Cello Frog

Peccatte Style Cello Frog of Ebony & Silver.

Made By Paulus GmbH of Germany.

Click on Photo for more info & additional photos.

US Customers Only.

Part # Price Purchase
FFSE3PE/223103/87 $275.00