Guitar Saddle & Nut Shims & Repair Kits

Ebony, Bone, and Fossil mammoth ivory guitar shims and shim materials for nuts and saddles. We also sell the complete Guitar Saddle Shim Kit from the workshop of Bob Colosi. The shim kit does not contain shims for the nuts and so we sell nut shims of bone and ebony materials below.

Here are Bob's own words about his saddle repair kit:

If your saddle sits too low in the bridge here is a handy-dandy little kit to give it a lift and set it up for a nice ride.

- Using ebony shims, correctly attached to the bottom of the saddle is the most time-honored method of doing it right, and doing it permanently.

- An instrument with a properly shimmed saddle will suffer NO tonal loss.

- Anything less, and you're sacrificing tone and in some cases the integrity of the instrument.

Click on "More Information" below for all the details of these products.

Guitar Saddle Shim Kit

Guitar Saddle Shim Kit

Click on photo for details. A great kit from the studio of Bob Colosi.

Made in USA.

Part # Price Purchase
Col-15/1026 $ 14.95

Guitar Nut or Saddle Veneer Shim Kit

Guitar Nut or Saddle Veneer Shim Kit.

This kit is to raise the nut or saddle only 20/100th of an inch or in increments of 20/1000! Click on photo for details.

Another great shim kit from Bob Colosi.

Made in USA.

Part # Price Purchase
Col-15V/1027 $ 14.95

Guitar Saddle Shim Strips/ Ebony

Guitar Saddle Shim Stock. 4 Gaboon ebony shim stock strips.

.080" thick by .125+ wide and 4.25 inches long each strip. Sanded one side.

Made in USA. High quality precise cutting. Not foreign junk cut stuff.

Part # Price Purchase
135SQX4.25XEBX4/1024 $ 9.95

Guitar Saddle Shim Strips/ Bone

Guitar Saddle Shim Stock. 4 bone shim stock strips sanded one side.

Each strip measures .080" thick by 1/8" + wide and 4.25 inches long.

Made in USA. High quality precise cutting. Not foreign junk cut stuff.

Click on photo for important details

Part # Price Purchase
BSHIMX4/1022 $ 9.95

Guitar Saddle Shim Strips/ FMI

Guitar Saddle Shim Strips of Fossil Mammoth Ivory.

4 strips measuring .080" thick and 4.00 inches long or longer. Sanded one side.

Made in USA. High quality precise cutting. Not foreign junk cut stuff.

Click on photo for important details.

Part # Price Purchase
FMI135SQ4.0X4/1025 $ 20.00

Guitar Nut Shim Strips/Bone

Guitar nut bone shim stock.

3 Strips measuring .080" X 1/4" X 2.2" each. Sanded one side.

Made in USA. High quality precise cutting. Not foreign junk cut stuff.

Click on photo for important details

Part # Price Purchase
BSHIMNUTX3/1023 $ 9.95

Guitar Nut Shims -Ebony

Ebony Guitar Nut Shims. 4 strips.

Click on photo for details. Four ebony (African Gaboon ebony) guitar nut shims.

Two of them are cut at 1/16" thick X 1/4 " + X 2.2 inches long and the other two are cut at .100" thick X 1/4"+ X 2.2 inches long.

Made in USA. High quality precise cutting. Not foreign junk cut stuff.

Part # Price Purchase
EBNS2@/1018+2@1019 $ 9.95